COVID-19 is an obnoxious and respiratory disorder brought about by novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. World Health Organization (WHO) authoritatively proclaimed COVID-19 as pandemic sickness as a general wellbeing crisis spreading around the world. On May 21, 2020, all out 5 million affirmed cases and in excess of 300,000 individuals have lost their lives. This terrible sickness initially detailed in Wuhan city and turned into the reason for the death of numerous individuals everywhere throughout the world. Coronaviruses additionally called as Wuhan coronavirus are the sort of infections that cause sickness in well-evolved creatures and flying creatures. The progressive break out of COVID-19 is the main root cause of respiratory infection including cold to serious pneumonia. COVID-19 uses the same angiotensin converting enzyme-receptor (ACE-2) to enter in the human body like that for SARS-CoV. The various protecting approaches and pharmaceutical interventions are utilized to reduce the transmission of infection with careful disease manage, the isolation of patients and community distancing. In this review, we are revealing a few aspects of corona virus related to its genomic structure symptoms, mode of transmission, precautionary measures and overall pathogenesis. Also, we summarized up the various diagnostic techniques, different treatments including antiviral medications, anti malarial medications, plasma therapy, monoclonal antibodies, the development of immunizations and the current state and most recent research progress of investigational compounds as selective COVID-19 inhibitors.